
Broseidon, ruler of the Brocean.

Yeah, I'm gonna ride it out though- her show is still equal in soul wrenching gut laughs to The Daily Show at it's peak.

Are you kidding? That was YEARS of growth for that poor man.

I could forgive the beardlessness if he'd just wash his damn hair.

See, the truck stain pissed me off: too perfectly centered, with no dent??

This was a similar reaction to the time I was watching Bob Dylan Perform at Jazz Fest in NO- the collective "awwwwwww" that went up when the speakers cut out, followed shortly thereafter by "yaaaaay!" when they kicked back on. The collective feeling of disappointment is quite a thing to experience.

Women's World Cup (i.e. the one the US can actually win) > Men's World Cup.

Never watched "Olympus," but those screenshots are straight outta the FMV heyday of '90's computer games.

You can't MAKE that shit up! It is too perfect (and by "perfect," I of course mean "soul-crushingly, blindingly horrible").

I am truly ashamed of myself for following this shit, but I am tickled to watch the members of this creepy cult fall spectacularly hard.

"The Witcher 3" is one for the ages. Can't wait to see what the future holds for the studio.

I will easily (continue to) be playing excessive amounts of Dragon Age: Inquisition in the coming year.,

Damn, son.


See, I never got the "Big Fish" thing- I saw it, but damned if I can remember a single thing about it. I thought it was boring and unremarkable, but apparently many folks would tell me I'm wrong.

Screets is real, apparently.

Nah, I don't think so- she's had plenty of breaks in her life.

"Ed Wood" is easily Tim Burton's best work. Discuss.

What could have possibly happened to bring up the specter of "restraining order"? Bet there's a story there.

I was gonna say the same thing.