
Welcome to sarcasm.

Too bad, lazy parents- learn how to draw.

This interview is literally the most humanizing thing she could have done. Well played, Clinton campaign- now don't fuck it up.

I love this movie, but it tries to do too many things and doesn't quite succeed in pulling any of them off. Very pretty to look at, though.

Dogs don't deserve that! Humans, on the other hand…

Good- maybe she can finally get herself a steak sandwich.

Ready, Ike?!

"Adorable expectant couple" makes me want to punt babies off a bridge. Seriously.

There are so many "eye-gouging" comments here, it warms my black little heart. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that so many other folks had the same gut-churning reaction to this treacly trailer.

Now, let's see Samantha Bee interview Trump!

Upon rewatching this amazing show years later, I did, in fact, notice it. :\

"Blair Witch basement" is a fantastic way to describe those dank-ass dirty basements with inadequate lighting and a surplus of spiders and questionable moisture.

It a very specific kind of nerdy fun that really only starts to hit home after you've been in the car for at least 8 hours.

I kind of enjoyed the first season, but I shut the first episode of season 2 off after about 20 minutes.

For a good time, next time you take a long car ride with a passenger, take turns reading Lovecraft stories to one another- it's delightful and laborious.


Ah, gotcha.

Does she develop a belly? 'Cause those pics up there don't seem to imply anything other than "standard, waif-like video game girl."

I think anyone could deduce this by watching five minutes of Adult Swim programming.

I guess that's appropriate, judging by the Hot Topic aesthetic it seems to be going for.