
Ba-ha-ha! She doesn't need help from Anonymous- that "Itchy Areola" line is pure gold!

Awwww, I love the Plaza- I hope it don't get blowed up.

It is a bit hard to slog through.

Ooooo, I always did like "Terminal Frost."

Really? Mine kept going for years.

Not really, but "Amused to Death" still gets a spin on my ipod every now and again.

Here goes: Angelina Jolie sucks. She's a bad actress and a bad director.

For some reason, "Action workplace comedy" immediately made me think "Get Smart". If only they still made TV that good.

I just.. I feel like there is no argument anyone can make, anywhere, that will convince me that the fashion world is not a bunch of self-obsessed, shallow, hateful people who are engaged in one huge egotistical circle jerk.

She's been doing her schtick for, what, 60+ years? Not like she has any other marketable talents.

All those little bar songs from "Dragon Age: Inquisition". It should be background flavor, but I find myself humming those ditties all day long.

I am not an autograph stalker- however, I do have a lovely little autographed drawing of one of my pet rats from Devin Townsend (as a perk from his "Casualties of Cool" kickstart-thingy).

Devin Townsend. No explanation necessary.

In this episode, Bob got upgraded (downgraded?) from T-Dawg #3 to Herschel 2.0.

Yes- yes, I will continue to sit through seasons' worth of crap episodes just for these little gems. BITCHIN' opener!

Wait- so this ISN'T "The Death Gate Cycle" the movie? Bummer.

Those of us who haven't been U2 fans since the late '80's were unpleasantly surprised to find this little gem appear in their playlists.

Heh-heh- you said "turn the other cheek."

Yeeeeeah, in this context, it's not. That's the kind of pet name you share in private- saying it publically, just outs this dude as a shallow idiot-asshat.

I disagree- I've been making fun of the way The Rolling Stones look for years.