Kate Cooley

Back in the day, I was working at Sam Goody in our local mall and that song came on. And for one second, everyone my age in the store (myself included) stopped, channeled their best Eddie Murphy and let out one shrill "RAAAAAAAAKS-ANE". The best moment I've ever had with that song.

Wow, that's… pretty annoying. Good choice.

As I mentioned to other oldsters like me… the ones who do stuff like this are usually the ones who can't get attention for actual talent. See also: Lady Gaga and Madonna.

My God yes. That one gave me nightmares. How freakin' creepy was that? And, like this episode, came out of NOWHERE in between shows about Nellie cheating on tests with her jacket and Laura imagining she found gold in the crick.

I wish this was on somewhere - I'd be all over this like Homer on a donut. This was one of my favorite shows when it was on.

I'm inspired by Patrick Star on this one. "Why don't we just take Apocalypto and give it to someone else?" It doesn't work without the visual, but you get it. Mel Gibson has revealed himself as patently unpleasant, but Apocalypto is a good movie that has none of him in it. (His modern-day love for turning everyone's

"The Devil's Hands…"  shouldn't be an also-mention. It's one of the best episodes they put out, bar none.

The videogame segment is one of the best. "QUARTERS!"

I saw the pic of Matthew Broderick and had a moment of "Oh, hell. Someone else bagging on 'The Freshman.' What is everyone's problem? That's funny stuff!" And then I saw it was Brando who'd done the complaining and had no problem believing it. And then I read that it was a ploy to get more money. Shut up, Tubby.

It's one of my favorite nonsense movies. My mom and I still hit each other with "Carmine said one boy, here are two" now and then.

Ironic, as that was a really good episode. Believe me, if I were him, there are TONS more episodes I'd complain about.

I'm not surprised Dahl didn't like it - he was very picky about the movie adaptations of his work. (Particularly if the directors didn't deign to use him as the screenwriter). I liked this movie precisely because it was creepy and weird. And damn if Dahl couldn't do creepy and weird in his sleep.

Roald Dahl had a problem with a lot of things (TV, parents, kids…)


I'd much rather watch your movie than Grown Ups 2, frankly.

The only one I have a beef with is Clooney - I thought he was just flat out terrible. It's Doug Ross as Batman and I just couldn't take it. The rest of the movie is apocalyptically awful, but I can't look at him and think that he's any better than it. He looks like he wishes he was ANYWHERE else but in that suit.

I remember liking this movie A LOT because the animated parts were really clever and well done. I think my brain purposely forgot all the Bill Murray parts because, though I know he's IN the movie, I can't remember one single scene he was in. I think maybe he barfed on someone. Meh. Really, they only needed him as a

I never thought of "Love the One You're With" as an ode to infidelity, more of "well, the person you'd LIKE to be with isn't for you, so you better love the poor schmoe you're stuck with" (which is WORSE, on some level), but I'm totally adding this interpretation to the melange.

That's "Lean on Me," dude. ;)

Nerp. Just tosses them into.. a giant Arctic crevasse… they should be OK, right?