Kate Cooley

A little bit of dickery goes a long way. And I liked it in MoS - particularly at the end when he parks the surveillance drone in the ground with a smirk. By the end of the film, I think he should have been allowed a little "Did you NOT see me smash villains into powder before? Come ON!"

That *was* nice, wasn't it?

I loved it, too. I'm not a huge Superman fan, but this I liked. I got all sniffy at the end with Clark in the yard with the towel.

"old baseball glove" gave me a laugh on a page that certainly needed it. Hats off to you, ArcherJake!

Seconded. A fanboy version is flawed at its core because no other fanboy would like it because it would be THEIR version of it. And a Kevin Smith version… oh, Lord no. Please. Superman is too smug already, adding Kevin would send us into South Park Smug Cloud overload.

It's so hard to make a really good Superman movie because at his core, Superman is hard to relate to. He's too perfect. He's invincible (or close to it). He's an alien and so very better than all of us. You lose a lot of "oh, I know where that's coming from" at the get-go. So you have to delve into what it's like to

As opposed to using Brad Pitt, which makes the main hero unsympathetic.

Brad Pitt being eaten by a zombie was all I had to hold onto! DAMMIT, MOVIE!

*sigh* Is the only monster I have left to like the Creature from the Black Lagoon? Or is Hollywood going to reboot THAT so he's a ninja or saving the environment or dating Zooey Deschanel or something?

I would be first in line to see "Frankenstein Shoots the Curl."

I wish they would. I'd love "Citizen X" and "Rasputin." I did get a hold of "The Rat Pack" somehow.

I think I get the whole Simpsons thing. It's not "like the Simpsons" because trying to do that would be moronic and unsuccessful. But it fills a need that the most recent seasons of the Simpsons (and in my opinion, every season since "Bart the Mother", but that's just my issue) just aren't filling anymore. It's funny.

While the other Sunday Night Animation Domination fare has been falling flat lately (I'm seriously tired of the Simpsons trying to be touching and Family Guy trying to be as offensive as possible, joke be damned), Bob's Burgers routinely has us rolling. I'm still singing Gene's 'Snakes' song.

I love Futurama and the Robot Devil is indeed at his Hans Conreid-y best in this one. (By a very slight margain over "Hell is Other Robots, IMO.) The best of Futurama was always quotably hilarious ("YOUR MUSIC IS BAD AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD!") and unexpectedly touching. it's something I think Matt Groening and the

While I usually like (and agree with) the HateSong entries, this one doesn't make sense. It's less "this song makes me want to run down pedestrians in a rage" or "if I hear this song one more time, I'm going to scream obscenities in long-dead languages out my window" than "hey, funny story, I totally sing this song

Someone must make this happen. I've been stumping for Led Zeppelin, but this must be made so.

He mentions it in his Bad Songs book, which never fails to give me giggle-induced hiccups.

LOL - why is the future populated by swing band and jazz fans? No one bothered to save any metal?

He doesn't. He's bad, but not that bad. Though I love Kevin Pollack's bit on the bridge of the Enterprise populated by Reverend Jim and company.

I'm definitely packing an oboe in my "Batshit Crazy Emergency Kit" so I can do this song justice on my streetcorner-for-screaming.