Kate Cooley

It's not on the list, but I like the Snow Golem in "Thank You." It's a very sweet story (about a very VERY sideline throwaway character) and it reminds me of The Snowman in a lot of ways. Also, the Finn & Jake vs. Ice King over sandwiches inserts make me cackle.

I don't get it myself. I'm sure it'll be cute and my son ADORED the first one… but then, he's a second-generation of the book as well. It was fun watching the movie and seeing all the parts "from the book" like the guy with the macaroni on his head. But I don't know why (other than a cash grab) a sequel was even

OK, not a fan of the whole "in character" deal (It's GWAR, I know, that's pretty much the way it goes), but… I'm fascinated by them performing this themselves. I… I just… Wow. I think I love it a lot.

Y'know, as much as I'm annoyed by the entire "in character" hatesong (but what do you expect from GWAR anyway, really), this saves it. Thank you, Ricky Coogin.

No Law & Order: SVU? I'm surprised. They're the worst cops not played for comedy on TV.

I dunno about that. By "you", I'm meaning nerddom in general. (and it's a sitcom, of course they're broadly painted) I think the characters strike a little too close to home for some (at least in some part). Otherwise, the hate wouldn't be as liquid-rage as it is.

YES! Thank you! I've been to several different ones and they're all the same nouveau decor and NOTHING like the one Penny works at. I assume they got the rights to the name, but not the decor then? Or is it just easier to film it in "standard restaurant set".

I always like the "leaving for the summer" season ender. Even though I'm an adult and I know how TV works, I like that they have plans. :)


Oh, God. I'm hoping Raymond is an exaggeration for comedy's sake. That's a house full of unpleasant characters.

Christine Baranski's "Leonard's Mom" is one of the most unbearable characters I've seen in a while. It's fantastic! Not only does she make Leonard miserable, but you sit there watching it and YOU are squirming with discomfort at having to deal with her. That's acting.

Well, you do know the saying, "The joke is always funny until it's on you"… *raises eyebrows*

That's got to be the best description of that character's arc I've ever read. And on the nose, as well.

It's funny. I liked "The Shining" as a movie right up until I read the book. (And no, I don't know why I did that backwards. I ate King novels as a teen like potato chips. Probably should have read them instead, I know…) Then I was sitting there like "Ok… that's not really the same character."

"The problem with these jokes is that they do nothing but signify the
audience is meant to laugh at something simply because it’s shocking"

Name another song we so all universally know… and warble obnoxiously at friends and family when they take a long time doing something.

While I don't get behind artists of any genre leaving the stage in a huff (see also: Rose, Axl) unless there's a serious issue… I can't imagine how hard it is to do stand-up these days. Thanks to the Internet, everyone thinks that they're just freakin' hilarious and their voice SO TOTALLY needs to be heard, even if

I've always had a special dislike for this song. It's the go-to song for people trying to show off being deep and meaningful. Bleh. So much of his work was much better. But THIS is the one the shallow idiots cling to.

I've always had a special dislike for this song. It's the go-to song for people trying to show off being deep and meaningful. Bleh. So much of his work was much better. But THIS is the one the shallow idiots cling to.

As a transplanted New Yorker in Pennsylvania, I wish "Philadelphia Freedom" could apply, as I love it. But more and more, I'm thinking "Allentown", as I watch everything crumble.