Kate Cooley

Does it have to be *mine*?

This song STILL gives me the prickles in the best way possible. This is one of my all-time favorite movies/musicals and Ellen Green's voice is INSANE. Once she sheds the character voice and really has at it, it's gorgeous. And I love Rick Moranis. He's not supposed to be cool or smooth or a good singer here, he's

I don't know if I blame Clinton, per se. It's far more pervasive than his foolishness. If you want to point fingers, jam a few at the media in general and the messages women get from them. We're supposed to be ashamed if we don't conform to their model of "satisfaction."

If you read my comment, I said that I've watched this happen in real life entirely too much to enjoy this song. I've had friends and co-workers and mothers of friends of my son just up and piss off because marriage "wasn't fun anymore" or some other sad, inadequate reason like that. No one wants to work on their

Hopefully, he wouldn't be dumb enough to carve his name into the leather seats. I picture most of that song being sung from the back of a police car, in cuffs.

Ridiculously on point. I have close friends who, at 40, still act like they're waiting for Prince Charming to sweep them off their feet (literally, in one case - it's actually a requirement of hers that a potential beau be able to hoist her up in the air and make her feel dainty. Pardon me while I barf.) (And yes,

UGH. I loathe this song. It's typical of the attitude of other women my age - I've seen it too many times to bother counting. Instead of WORKING on your marriage, just piss off like you're in high school dating. Never mind the kids (notice they don't get mentioned in the song once she's typing-pool bound), never mind

Now my head hurts. Law & Order's last three seasons are better than the ones that came before it? On what planet? That show was one of the best and best-loved procedurals before Dick Wolf's tinkering made them the worst lawyers and police EVER. The joy of L&O was that unlike other hour-long dramas, it was about the

This sounds just awful. As genius as Toy Story was, this is the exact opposite, someone trying to copy a well-thought out idea to disastrous results.

I loved it, too, and SBC was a helluva surprise for me. When he can do things like this, crap like Borat makes me tired.

*has the Broadway vapors* Oh, Sweeney Todd perfection. Beautiful as always…

I always wondered what happened to the "No Frills" brand of things. Nowadays, it's kind of dumb not to buy the store brand as most are produced by the big-name companies anyway. (Aldi's is a big one for this - Tyson supplies their chicken and Pepsi their sodas.)

Both Shakespeare and the Muppets were artists at pun-delivery.

Aside from the overtly erotic imagery (thank you, 80s!), "Allentown" has always struck a note for me. Living in an area that took a BIG hit from the decline of the steel industry in PA, it's piteously hard to scrape yourself out of the hole they dug for everyone. It's a cheaper cost of living than in, say New York

The butterbeer at WWoHP is made of awesome and whipped cream.

Poison Ivy is so lodged into my brain that no matter where he turns up, Adam Baldwin still elicits a yelp of "COLOR WAR" from me. The Patriot especially gets this reaction, mostly in the form of "Color War didn't prepare me for this" in the face of much Jason Isaac-perpetrated heinous activity.

Poison Ivy is so lodged into my brain that no matter where he turns up, Adam Baldwin still elicits a yelp of "COLOR WAR" from me. The Patriot especially gets this reaction, mostly in the form of "Color War didn't prepare me for this" in the face of much Jason Isaac-perpetrated heinous activity.

I can't believe how many places I'm hearing people talk about The Stuff! In the days of the Little Video Store Down the Corner, I saw this movie and it was schlocky and fantastic! The Fate of Chocolate Chip Charlie scared the hell out of me! It was fake and horrible and it still freaked me out! Great nod to a great

Ordinarily, I have to agree that AmDad is the tits, but this one… ah, no. You can always tell when McFarlane shows up to reassert his creative hand on this show. Mostly he's just there for voice duty and that's where he should stay.

Big Daddy's furry hat was sartorial brilliance… or ridiculousness… Sartorial Ridicu-lance!