Cousin Olivier

Oops! Sorry, Dad.

The episode where he loses his job and starts working as a door-to-door salesman is a close second for me.

It's made up of hundreds of thin slices of tree corpses, tattoed and glued together, which people stare at for hours instead of surfing the Internet as God intended.

You cantankerous bucket of bolts!

Agreed - Cameron is an ass, but he has a point. As much as I enjoyed TFA, it was clear they were really pandering to the fans (myself included) who mostly hated the prequels and wanted a return to the "old" Star Wars style. Hey look, it's Carrie Fisher! Hey look, they're playing holographic chess! Hey look, they're

Damn, someone beat me to it.

Harry Potter and the Colonoscopy Mishap

It's shaped like a lobster tail, without the shell

Johnny Cash… Johnny Cash… JOHNNY CASH

I don't think they quite captured the irony of the situation.


One of the better moments from that TBS weekend staple "Sleepless In Seattle" is watching Tom Hanks and Victor Garbor fake-cry about Trini Lopez being killed in "The Dirty Dozen" (which was ad-libbed during filming, apparently).

So Taylor Swift is making out with the subject of her next album on a beach, next to a cairn. Is this really AVClub-worthy?

With William Hung and his Hung Jury!

Security guard: “What the hell kind of clown are you?”
Bill Murray: “The crying on the inside kind, I guess.”

Crappy special effects aside - and they are crappy - having the two Kirk universes collide isn't the worst idea they've ever come up with. But of course, it's unsustainable given the limited number and low quality of the TOS shots they could use. It might work as a novel, though. But of course, they'd *have* to get

>>The video ends on a triumphant note with a scene from Lord Of the Rings: Return Of The King

Farmers Insurance is now paying him to literally beat the shit out of the competition.


Why this article must be using that "sarcasm" thing all the kids are talking about.