Fisted Alive.
Fisted Alive.
Is it me, or is Stevie Young looking more and more like an extra from the Eye Of The Beholder episode of Twilight Zone?
Even though the show's intro was by far the best part of most episodes, I still watch the reruns when they're on.
She's always had that, but I notice it has slowly become more obvious as she ages - probably just an overbite.
In National Lampoon's True Facts book, I enjoyed this old TV Guide entry:
Hey, remember when they were just American Movie Classics?
He reminds me a lot of Phil Hartman in that Prep-H commercial. Actually maybe it is the same guy - those hemorrhoids could have been caused by Colon Blow cereal.
It looks like John Travolta's "painted on" style.
Agreed. Yeah he churned out a lot of crap over the years, but he was undeniably an extremely talented and naturally funny person. His performance in Good Will Hunting was phenomenal.
12 Monkeys 2: Curious George Starts A Plague
Gilligan In Real Life
Interestingly, "Eat The Beatles" was the original name of their debut album. The album cover would have been similar to the Butcher Block cover, only much MUCH more graphic.
So now we get to listen to her babbling without the consolation of starting at her tits. Yay?
Which is pretty much what Karen says in the next episode, about her reaction being to have long talks with Jim but Roy's reaction being to attack him.
Jim: "I'm pretty sure none of that's real."
I agree MST3K is one of the best, but I'd go with the quote, "By that time, my lungs were aching for air."
In the original, Carrey looked a bit like Moe from the Three Stooges. Now he most definitely looks like Moe, only sadly now it's the 1950/60's "Curly Joe" Stooges era.
Looks rather… Langolier-ish (but with 100% less Bronson Pinchot)
Give me aaaaaiiir! Give me aaaaaiiir! Give me aaaaaiiir! Give me aaaaaiiir!