Cousin Olivier

Planet Of The Apes 3: You'll Believe That Poo Can Fly.

I was sort of getting those seasons confused in my head, looking back Season 4 was really good overall - especially with my favorite episode "The Constant". Of course it also had "Eggtown"…

I truly don't get all of the hate about that finale. I didn't love the entire series (Seasons 3 and 4 definitely were a slog at times, and some of the episodes truly sucked) but I thought the finale wrapped things up about as well as it could have. Did people honestly believe they'd have all of the mysteries wrapped

I'm still waiting for the big wave of zombie-themed variations on these games, like Zombie Mouse on a String, DeadMau5 on a String, etc.

Believe it or not I'm walking around, I never thought I could trick-or-trea-ea-eaaaat!

It's a fantastic show, but it kind of goes at a slow burn, so give it some time. Some episodes are OK, some are hilarious, but the end result is perfect. And my God, there's no better show to transport you right into that weird, late-70's exciting/melancholy/grubby New York vibe than this one. Even the ending is

You're thinking of Shatman.

Agreed - Alley was mildly amusing at best on Cheers, and I never understood the love and accolades everyone threw on her. She was an irritating but tolerable replacement for Shelley Long, and the show only survived because by the time she appeared it was already transitioning into an ensemble comedy. But all of that

Thanks to complete media saturation, my enthusiasm for this film's release has dropped from "Cool, I hope it doesn't suck" to "Please, may it suck horribly and die a quick death".

Or perhaps

That looks like a very neat, well-maintained suburban house.

WB seriously wants it to be PG? Uuugh. Now I don't even have to debate whether or not I want to see it.

Knighty-Night, Superman

He is beyond stoned. Now he just looks like he's perpetually in mid-stroke.

I took the opportunity to review Hoffman's recent IMDB resume and found that he has been in precious few dramatic roles these past 10 years or so - nearly every recent entry is a comedy, dramatic comedy, or children's movie. What happened?

Killed it.