Cousin Olivier

And by removing that line, Obi Wan became the dick.

I doubt this is the first time Katy Perry has been responsible for the spreading of unwanted seed.

And Carrie Fisher will be bald.

That baby is the fucking MAYOR of Uncanny Valley. The picture was bad enough, but the video… sweet tapdancing Jesus, is that creepy.

Levar Burton may want to chance getting involved in this remake, but I doubt Vic Morrow will want to stick his neck out again.

No, it's only 50% suckier. So one disabled minority woman, and a white guy with a bad limp.

Kind of like the show Early Edition, but with 50% more suck.

Between this pic and his quadruple-take video, it's clear he must have gotten his hands on some amazing weed.

Realizing that it's just going to recycle the same plots from HIMYM anyway, CBS had decided to go the cheaper route of just changing the beginning titles and CGI'ing boobs onto Josh Radnor.

I'm just thankful that JJ Abrams is finally coming out with Almost Human, the long-awaited remake of Holmes and YoYo.

Reaffirming that every old action show is destined to live again

Yeah, it's a lot to swallow.

Fartboarding is not a crime.

No, I (sadly) remember. I was referring to an earlier episode where Laura narrated that he later came back to Walnut Grove as a doctor. Oh, I feel so ashamed that I know that.

I always wondered how that cartoon came about.

Or, he became a doctor in Walnut Grove when he got older. You know, after Pa blew up the town.

I actually thought the scenes of Superman fighting Clark Kent weren't bad (at least in comparison to the rest of the movie), although the premise was ridiculous. I also thought the scenes showing the relationship between Clark and Lana were well done… but then again, that may have just been due to the huge crush I had

My dad actually listened to this broadcast back in 1938 when he was 12, and he said they kept saying throughout the whole thing that it was just a radio play and wasn't real; then several years later I got a hold of the recording myself, and they did indeed mention it several times. Not sure why so many people

Yeah, the drug addict episode was on Little House and it was Albert. Pa found out and locked him in an old cabin so he could have some good-ol'-fashioned detox. Albert threw up a bunch of (what looked like) curdled milk for several days, then felt all better.

Name puns like that can be Cumbersome.