Cousin Olivier

Rather than wearing a prosthetic mouthpiece, Hardy plans to grab his two front teeth between his thumb and forefingers and pry them apart each morning.

William Frawley?


If you mean his career, he's already taken care of that himself.

I never understood the whole Calvin-peeing-on-whatever thing. It was such a bizarre little craze. Can you imagine a window cling of Snoopy peeing? Peppermint Patty peeing on Marcie, maybe, but that's something else altogether.

Nope not Paul Rudd, it's Paul Reiser. And he's already working on his new tie-in book, ColonyHood.

Every time I hear the name Mamie Gummer I picture Dwight Eisenhower's wife taking her dentures out and giving a blowjob.

Yeah, but Tom Hanks is going to make a lot of Simoleons on this movie.

Wow - is he the love-child of Michael Emerson and DJ Qualls? With maybe a touch of JJ Abrams in there?

You, skinhead O'Connor… I look at you and I think "cue ball, corner pocket".

A quick image search on Google brings up several other companies that could soon be in Exxon's lawsuit pipeline (see what I did th—, ah fuck it, that phrase is overused), including XXBOX, CBRXX.COM, several sample webpage websites, and of course, SuperBowl XX. No doubt the Patriots, Bears, and Up With People are all

I love Harry Dean Stanton, he underplays just about every part but is still great to watch. But… he's ain't the best interviewee. I didn't actually stop to count the "I don't remembers", but there seemed to be quite a few.

artfully create tiny tattooed dots all over the scalp to give the appearance of stubble or a cropped buzz cut

Joey… do you like movies about gladiators?

I know he's supposed to be a chicken or turkey of some kind, but the only kind of balls I'm worried about is the giant scrotum hanging from the guy on the right side of that picture.

If you reach deep into your fairy tale well, all you're gonna pull out is shit like this.

Violently wrestling control of the galaxy's pudding? Will Cumberbatch be battling the Blancmange? I didn't even know he was Scottish.

The warehouse one? Yes. I don't really have any art at home.

Oh good, just like Family Ties did. Call me an alarmist, but this does not bode well IMO.