
stay excited. just saw their warm-up show in Kingston NY and it was goddamn incredible. tight, punctual, like a warship. and EXCITED to be there. infectious and transcendent

Waaaait, I surely can't be the only person who loves modern day Letterman, CAN I??? Is this like the fallacy of "new Simpsons sucks"? Some dude on here referred to his "new" studio, where he's been for over 21 years…. have people just not actively watched it?

Yes, that was most certainly him. Insane to have the credits verify it, as I was sure it wasn't him, just some weirdo DGG culled from a casting call. Very fun

Yeah, seriously… what the fuck — bait-and-switch with an episode from a year and a half ago… is it because it's in HD?

http://www.youtube.com/watc… and yes, quite a fantastic song. Immediately goog'ed the lyrics + was amazed to find out it wasn't some 70s relic and instead came out like 2 mos. ago!

Poor review, esp. about those two tracks described as novelties. You'd be hard-pressed to find an oM track that wouldn't fit that descriptor. I am pretty biased though — a fan since hearing "One of a Very Few of a Kind" on a CMJ sampler disc back in the back, but actually prefer everything from Hissing Fauna on. I

Never read these books before now. Over time, I've begun to see Ward Littell as Bryan Cranston, which seems like a no-brainer to me, and Wayne Jr as Joaquin Phoenix. No one else is as self-evident as those two, though. No clue who could play Big Pete Bondurant — he seems like the kind of huge toughie that one out of

Thanks for sayin' what I've been thinkin'… nitpickers gonna pick

Yes, it was the same Sal-man. Mr. Lee Garner Juuuuuuuunyah

I'm just gonna link this Photoshop of Bob Benson I did. Steal it and put it on your website if you want! Or make fun of me!! IT DOESN'T MATTER, I'MMA KEEP GOIN' UP, UP, UP!!!! :) https://twitter.com/uTubbb/…

The short / spiky animated bit @ the very end wasn't some way to pad out the episode, it was in the style of the dating site. You must have been getting your mallomars early on in the episode or something — but you're right, they're not going anywhere, and some of us are all the better for it

I also liked how the show can perform a subtle bit of commentary on today's tragedy fatigue while still remaining in its own timeline. Also lol @ "You'll be late for school." The ending cut to credits with "Reach Out Of The Darkness" after Don not even thinking to comfort his wife has got to be in the top 5 endings

Don being made into an airborne bitch was a thing of beauty. Kudos to all involved in making that hilarious bit of biznatch

What wasn't to love in an episode filled with Don getting his ass handed to him repeatedly?

You're defensive for a reason, and you're acting as if there isn't such a concept as an internet herd mentality, of which "Zombie Simpsons" is one of the worst offenders, pop culture-wise

Thank you, for being one of the good ones. Good ones = commentariat that don't just fall in line lock-step with the idea that all new Simpsons is unwatchable shite. I will also tick Regarding Margie as a latter-day notable. TICK IT WITH VIGOR

I LOVE the Milhouse and Bart B story, if anything, it brings levity to the almost maudlin Grimes storyline. But then again, I love any story between those two, it's just the B ones that involve the two of them being kids living out a bored "adult" fantasy are always so satisfying. See also: Last Tap Dance In

Coooooool story breh, but . . . No joke, less than an hour ago, I was gazing at my copy of this movie on my bookcase and took it off the shelf to rewatch again later tonight. Then I hit up the AV Club and, lo and behold, I… am a demographic :>

There's something, like, sub-sub-sub-textual going on in that whole Joanie throwdown with Don. Jaguar = Lane, basically. Below any conscious level that maybe either of them can even begin to acknowledge, Don has lowered the gauntlet one last time to bury his own latent guilt over Lane, and Joan is in no position to

Yes, because the promotion for the episode was centered around the return of Bleeding Gums… o…kay….