
"I've been on some amphetamines to help with the Chemo fatigue and sometimes I just feel like…running! In fact, I'm gonna go for a run now!"

These final few episodes have usually ended on an nontraditional intense action scene as opposed to the usual still, dead image that sums up the plot that was used in the previous seasons. The chaos of these final installments….damn.

'Nother thing my AV Club colleagues, next episode has Gale, Jane, Tuco and Mike listed in the cast, what do they have to do with it?

Love the observation but it was Phil not Frank.

Anyone else think deep down inside Walt wanted the Nazis to bail him out? Heisenberg certainly wanted it, he's just hidden.

Major Todia ship tease by the way….

Prediction: The audio for the preview of the next episode has Skylar asking when Walt's coming home. He doesn't. He uses Saul's vacuum guy (Dr. Hoover) after one or all three of the three men that captured him die.

Felina= Feline in feminine tense of Spanish.

I'm really loving the fact that Huell is now a secondary character.

Are you suggesting male prostitution?

This may have nothing to do with anything, but when I went to a bake sale at an elementary school this week and sampled a cookie with blue frosting I can not tell you how much I wanted to whiplash backward and say "TIGHT! TIGHT! TIGHT! BLUE! YELLOW! PINK! JUST GET ME MORE OF THAT!"


What if that guac guy is just the next Gus Fring keeping up a cheerful facade?

Btw, was anyone dedicated enough to go look at the flash-foward to see if there were burn marks in the house, just to see if Jesse went through with it?

Alright, I know we're all waiting for the imminent showdown that's coming soon….Huell vs. Todd, Lydia and the Nazis all at once.

So…she's gonna give him an STD?

Well. They were actually very good, plausible, exciting scenarios that were written with fairly accurate detail. The twists seemed very Breaking Bad-esque and "Blood Money" was spot on. In fact, part of me was kind of sad that it wouldn't play out that way simply because it seemed like a powerful final 8. Or maybe

Did they ever explain what that number found inside the photo of Gus & Max was?

Dude. Walt Jr. is the man. Him calling Skylar out was the best thing until Marie slapped her purple.