
When I saw the leaked photos for the first time, the second one was obscured so that I could only see the man with the white hair sitting down.

I clicked for Mike.

I'd like to describe my love for Blockbuster with a Chris Moltisanti quote:

"You ape my product at every turn. Now, you have a chance to sell it."

But-but what will happen to all of Hank's racist jokes?

It also kind of reminded me of the two shots of Walt in the medical scanners before his diagnosis and before his recurrence…

Was the house near where Walt was mounting the gun in the desert the same one from Grilled?

What am I supposed to do now, watch whatever the hell that cop drama that came on after Breaking Bad was?

Emotional time:

No, not particularly. I just thought he resembled Yoda or something living in a small house, isolated, short figure, staff and all. Didn't mean to be racial, but I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

Previously on Better Call Saul:

Was that the last appearance of Saul? If so, what a depressing ending for the guy except for all the Cinnabuns he'll get to enjoy.

Alright, you can chalk the disappearing guy up to my "Tertiary Characters I'd Totally Hang With" list along with the Native-American guy from the desert (He'd teach me wise things), Gonzo ("C'mon man. Its just not Christian."), Dr. Delcavoli (Dude's smart and chill), and I'd put Huell on there but he's actually a

"Oooo, I like this Erlenmeyer flask."

Meanwhile, at AMC:

Jesse wounds reminded me of a certain pink teddy bear…

When Walt was lying there, catatonic in the sand after Hank's death, I couldn't help but think of Crawl Space. Rather than a loud, insane transformation into Heisenberg, we got a quiet shift to coldness. Notice Walt barely cares about Hank's death beyond his breakdown. The whole time I was expecting him to punch Jack

Alright, here we go!

Removed in consideration of spoilers. Sorry, everyone.

Yeah, MLCFC is right. Didn't you see "Guest Writer David Chase" in the credits?