
One thing is for sure…the Reddit spoilers were total bullsh*t.

I never really like watching early episodes of any show mainly because it's painful to see the characters as caricatures of their future selves (One personality trait phoned in for most of the episode) but that works well to Breaking Bad's favor since the show is focused on radical change over a relatively short

To be honest, I thought of it way back when "Salud" aired. He got a CT scan which he later seemed hesitant to talk about and. when he talks to Jr. about not wanting him to "be remembered that way", he sounds as though something might kill him soon.

Hate when people try and fit Dexter and Walking Dead in the same breath as The Wire, The Sopranos and Breaking Bad. The first two are good but far from the complexity of the others…

Bigger copout. Hank craps his organs out on Walt's toilet due to severe ebola he contracted from looking in Gus's super-lab just as Jesse hinted at in "Fly".

Ironically, it looks like Walt's going to fulfill his original prognosis of two years from the day after his birthday. From the flashfoward (Which takes place on the 52nd b-day), we know he's preparing for some sort of showdown which may go down the next day. Exactly two years.

To an extent, all of the criminals in Breaking Bad are continually set a drift in a sea of problems they made. The only difference is that Jesse feels poorly about his bad decisions which makes him a bit more sympathetic but that doesn't mean he should be worshiped.

That would tie in nicely to his "Do I look like a skater?" line from the pilot.

Lesson learned: never trust Marie's doctor recommendations.

Question: The cancer's recurred relatively quickly. Whatever happened to that "aggressive and risky" surgery Walt had at the end of season 2? Didn't they promise it'd buy him a lot of time?