Fred Ward

John Asheton at the airport desk towards the end - THE greatest double-take.

He's also really fucking annoying whenever he gets mike time on Kevin Pollak's Chat Show. That "Who tweeted?" game is infuriating.

Ash - Goldfinger

They came later than Britpop but does anyone remember Terris? Weirdly, they co-headlined a tour with Coldplay in England circa 2000 despite being completely different stylistically, released a couple of singles and an album then faded back into nothingness. Yet another band who were inexplicably touted as "the bestest

I have a soft spot for "K" too. It's utterly ridiculous but it brings back a lot of funny memories for me. Not least playing "Hey Dude" in a college covers band and seeing some guy in the (admittedly sparse) crowd breakdancing to it.

You're completely right. Say what you will about Mansun but they knew how to order an album. The segues on Grey Lantern are masterful. I don't listen to much Britpop these days but that album is still on heavy rotation.

@Ajax Was that definitely Jewel? I thought the same initially but a quick check of IMDB says different.

The Singer from a few years ago was pretty decent.

I too would watch anything with McKinnon in it. That Oscar-winning short he made, The Accountant, is brilliant.

Free Bird!


Way of the Gun was awesome. As is being alone in a theater. You should look back on that experience as a good one.

"Didn't It Rain" and the self-titled Magnolia Electric Co. album are masterpieces. Hope this guy gets well.

Excuse the bad HTML there.

So Ranulph is pronounced raif and Ralph is pronounced raif. Is Joseph pronounced raif too?

For years I thought I liked Peckinpah's Killer Elite but I rewatched it a couple of weeks back and quickly came to realise it's fucking awful. Worse than The Osterman Weekend. Caan and Duvall do have some good STD banter and there's an awesome Peckinpah-patented slow-motion/intercut scene of *SPOILER* Caan falling

Gordon "Sting" would like to weigh in on this subject.

Greenberg was good.

Mark Dacascos. Bob Wall. Get it done, Sly!

Essential Killing
Best breastmilk scene since Visitor Q.