Fred Ward

…and Morita in The Karate Kids 1, 2 and 3.

Alan Cumming…
…is the right kind of sleazy-looking motherfucker to be in this, but Jamie Bell? James McAvoy? Fuck off.

It stands for "Men of Rock".

Anyone here…
base their musical tastes on what the Dude likes?

Man, that's directing.
'He liked to say "fuck" a lot. That was one of his directions: "fuck." But he'd say it in all different ways, like, "You fucking do this, and then you fuck it, man! And just fuck it! Fuck it, man! Just fucking fuck it!"'

Saw Battles
play with Caribou in Manchester last weekend. Two absolutely fucking incredible sets. As for 'Gloss Drop', it's not quite 'Mirrored' but 'Ice Cream' is by FAR Battles' best track. I thought Braxton leaving might take away some of the band's personality, but it seems not.

When Saturday Comes.