Fictional Strumpet

::golf clap::

@Melancholic, sorry about that. Apparently we were ahead of the curve.

What?! I didn't make the final cut?
[Throws down maracas and leaves stage]

J'ai oublie tout le francais que j'ai etudie…something something…Et maintenant je parle francais comme une vache espagne.

Ugh. My cousin will try and drag me to this. She loves shoes and chick flicks and chick flicks about shoes, all unironically. I'd rather see the Viking movie ten times over. In fact I'd be perfectly happy to watch nothing but Viking movies for the next 20 years, regardless of quality or campiness, if it meant I'd

To think I've lived my entire life till now and never knew I had a gunt.

Agreed, Shore Patrol. I'm not into girl on girl, but if she made a pass at me I wouldn't turn her down.

Is she a lactating prostitute with a heart of gold in this one too?

Coming soon: Goethe's Faust 2010
Nothing says family entertainment than a big budget CGI fest with a necrophilia rape scene of Helen of Troy.

…is the oldest word in the English language, closely followed by 'What,' 'Is' and 'This.'

If you swear with an Irish accent it's less offensive to the ears of the Lord.

It's okay, it happens to everyone at some point. Just wait 5 minutes then we'll try again.

Hunckback: Rise of the Hump

What great knockers!

No I understand the mechanics and the evolutionary purpose…but I think we've attained a relatively secure place in the food chain and no longer have to settle for quickies on the savannah lest we be eaten by saber tooth tigers.

Joseph Fiennes should do it. You need someone British to pull off nerdy repressed rage and make it look sexy and/or like acting.

Only five to ten minutes? Well that explains your comment, Jcar. You've been doing it wrong.

Ah the 50s…
When (female and/or minority group) genitalia and mandatory sterilization went hand in hand.

Because I didn't fill my quota, I'd like to add:

Thank you, King Bastard. It's nice to know they're appreciated.