Fictional Strumpet

Lots Of Tribbles Retching

I only wish I'd gone to a high school that assigned The Hobbit.

If anyone needs me, I'll be in the boudoir. No gerbils allowed.

If they just want a big eyed bobblehead waif, why not get Zooey Deschenel? Oh, and make it a musical.

Icarus: The Musical
This song is clearly a reference to the myth of Icarus and Daedalus. Why not just make it Icarus: The Musical? At least you have an interesting father/son/coming of age theme.

Elegant Victorian Lady,

Anita Bush. She was white trash & rumored to be easy. Never knew her well enough to know if that was true. But she threw a handful of quarters in my face in gym class and screamed at me to buy some new clothes, because I didn't wear designer labels like the wannabe cool kids.

He impregnates her under false pretenses & without her knowledge—christ, this sounds like some National Geographic special on the mating habits of tsetse flies.

@gaugebozo: "gritty Garfield Reboot. Something along the lines of "Garfield Minus Garfield?""

I always seem to be fashionably late to comment threads, so appropos of nothing: 471 comments since Jan 2009. Was a long time reader/unregistered commentor before that but first registered comment is pointing out a failed firstie.

I like how the conversation on soulmates quickly devolved into 'fuck yous.' Good job, internet!

This could be better if…
…it had Bollywood musical numbers stashed inbetween killings, bad acting, and plot holes. At least it would bring the 'impersonal genre rehashing' full circle.

I use both hands but then again I'm a girl & probably not even allowed in this conversation.

I think the review & it's grade seem fair & appropriate. He's basically saying it's candy-colored tripe, but it's good candy-colored tripe if that's what you're in the mood for. In other words it's a successful adaptation of its source material and does what it says on the label.

You'd think with that much natural selection going on, only the quickest, bravest, & most resourceful would survive to reproduce…which begs the question, why are most of the characters on here so bland?

True, I kept waiting for the kid to lose it because everyone around him was so immaculately rational about it all. I bet they were slipping him some space prozac on the sly.

My apologies. I said 'graceful' twice. I'm sure there are other adjectives for describing the Enterprise out there…

Maybe her fan shaped hair and sexless clothing were meant to remind Geordie of the graceful saucer section of the Enterprise and its graceful yet not too feminine curves?

Neuroses…Or you know, wake up and smell the nuroses.

What are their chances of getting fused together in a radioactive accident and becoming BONEDGE?