Fictional Strumpet

My Fair Predator

I think Tom Hardy's a brilliant choice for this. I like his stuff, Nemesis aside. But even in Nemesis I thought he held his own against Stewart, as much as the poor script allowed.

Sometimes I'm disappointed the AV Club doesn't have a 'blow me first' function.

The Silmarillion was the first Tolkein I ever read and made a deep impression on me at the time (i.e., high school). I liked the notion of not just creating another world/culture, but creating the mythology that underpins it. Granted it doesn't have same narrative cohesion as LOTR & Hobbit—it's much more episodic, so

I am a female and I totally get Middle Earth. I hope they put the Silmarillion on the big screen. Forget Sauron and Shelob, they've got nothin' on Morgoth and Ungoliant!

But as a brunette she's completely forgettable looking…see Being John Malcovich. Fucking blonde hair, how does it work?

Actually Chaos created the oceans, and currently Poisedon rules over them. May BP fear the wrath of his trident.

I@Alan Sphincter: That's okay, I should be more objective about the subject of my fiery libido.

For evolutionary psychological reasons
I admire Mr Skarsgard's acting abilities—especially from behind.

As a redhead I object to being objectified for my fiery libidinous excesses.

I had a profound crush on Riker all through my teens…then in later life developed an uncanny knack for dating functional alcoholics. Coincidence?

Twif, I have a long held secret crush on the back of your head. And the front of it, back when your avatar faced forward. Just saying.

I think 'old school' is code for 'lady commentors.' Sorry fellas.

Where is mbs? And JGoo, and Jim Rockford, and the Immaculate Misconception. Maybe they just don't post as much, and/or have morphed identities. I second the nostalgia for the days of Phel/Prison Wine et al.

Belated congratulations Phel & Prison Wine, miss you on the boards but all the best on your new life together.

Downey or not to Downey
I was thinking Jim Broadbent for the wizard—for quirky yet sentimental…Or go the other extreme and have David Bowie for full on otherworldly, assuming the prequel will include tight green leather. Maybe Downey is sort of half way between the two—he can pull off the sentimental and tight leather.

Exploding windmills.
In my mind the perfect casting would be Max Von Sydow for Quixote and Bob Hoskins for Sancho, and the story would be a sad existential bittersweet quest for meaning against a backdrop of gritty Spanish landscapes in a time of transition from feudalism to mercantillism and all the resulting


I enjoy alcohol and pictures of naked men, but hate talking about my feelings. Which stereotypical category do I fit into? Oh, I feel so left out.

Thanks, Serious. Good stuff.