Fictional Strumpet

In Star Trek the original movie McCoy made a fuss about not wanting to use the transporter because it somehow sliced up matter into cubes or something, then had the later scene of the Vulcan science officer (the expendable one that Spock was recruited to replace) being the thing that materialized inside out and

All i can say is we exist in cultural epoch that produces RepoMen, or Kick Ass or similar drivel & it earns money because people look at what else is on offer, shrug, and pick the one that looks least likely to 'totally suck.

What's with the Lone Audience hate? He's right.

It's called being nervous.

I'm not as 'in the know' as the rest of you seem to be, and so don't know who anyone was in the video. But scruffy guy with glasses and black knit hat? He can be my Mythological Lothario any time.

You should always 'check out a tiny url.' It might be cancerous.

The anti-date movie.



See: Skippy Goes to Casablanca

Total Recall.

A blue semi then?

Oprah plagiarizes ZMF
Litigation to follow.

space cucumber massacre
I quit watching after the electromagnified cucumber monster chewed the face off the scientist and Elijah Wood starting howling, "Noooo!" when the radioactive apple attacked the film crew. It was his best performance since Gandalf fell off the bridge in Moria.

Oh but my hands are free, Mythological Lothario.


I imagine if you slap a dame with zero body fat, it hurts you more than it hurts her.

@ Merk: well done, sir. You are the Dick Martin to my Dan Rowan.

Thank you Dr Strangelovecraft. The last I heard the universe was shaped like a donut, so that was the basis of my question. And thanks for the link—didn't expect NASA had a theory on Fate, but there it is on the menu.

MTT probably works in a restaurant kitchen or something. Or is being held hostage by sentient footwear.