Fictional Strumpet

Coming soon to a barber shop/shoe store near you: Uggllets.

What term are we giving this thing? Non-method? Anti-method? Faux method? And what do we call once-method actors who now appear in films as nothing but cheap parodies of their former selves?

That's the second time I've seen blank space used in lieu of comment. Is that the latest thing in (non) commenting?

So, the man who can't write believable dialogue also can't write believable quantam physics references?

Dear ZMF,

That time there were storm clouds over Malibu for a whole weekend? Those weren't storm clouds.

Yes, I would have a beer with this man. That does not mean, however, that I would vote for him as president.

What are we arguing about again? The acting talent of Nicholas Cage?

U, no 2.

You must first have rising action before falling action.

That does sound better than Bounty Hunter. But you'd need some kind of gimmicky marketing angle—like the Badger and the Stomach Wound may or may not be romantically involved off screen.

Ah, I believe I can diagnose what's wrong with their love life.

Shelley Duvall in CGI and 3-D? Only if it's a remake of The Shinning.

Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war…and all that.

Nah, you just end up seeing the world through beige coloured glasses.

You are grammatically weird.

He's a little Lebowski over-achiever.

Oh it's beyond fake hate. It's a big fake movie to fake entertain fake people.

I'd rank Juanito's charisma -0.9. And I feel sorry for that ugly schoolteacher chick for lowering her standards like that.

I grok Spock.