Are you sure you didn't just eat at Carl's Jr.?
Are you sure you didn't just eat at Carl's Jr.?
How is his Twitter name not "I am legend"?
Yes! It directs you to the most convenient restaurant trash bins.
Great. Box full of parsley garnishes and garlic butter again.
Yes! I shall….
*shouts into void*
I guess they are allowed, they just won't load correctly.
Oh, this comment did work, huh. Well, on to 50,000.
No more comments allowed?
Okay, fine. This is the second time that the Internet has done a great job.
"Of late."
This virus will tell your mom.
That doesn't make sense.
It's because you go the wrong way around the circle of fifths.
Very Bad Movie
I use the weirding way to make others feel.
I think all four are really good professional comedians. I like Ron White the least, just because his persona is "alcoholic," and he reminds me of a college kid telling me how drunk they got last night.
Puts on ring, quietly slips away.