
Remember when The AV Club used to produce content like this and not just repost stuff from other pop culture sites?

So do you!

Slightly above me.

Hey, at least he won a title with the Red Sox in 2013.

That may be the only article I come back and comment on in the AV Club when they switch over…unless I can get one of the Avacado mods to let me host a NFL football weekly thread during the season.

Come on over to the AV Club After Dark…It's a lot of fun.

Be careful what you wish for…

Teti said he was doing it this year even if he was doing the TV show. It'll be here but in Kinja format.


The majority of the comments here over the years weren't shitposts.

Or the GoT and Rick and Morty finales. Or the new season of Block & Tackle.

Corporate synergy…seriously.

The upvote/downvote system is going away in favor of a 5-star system.

That's better than the zero days notice we got when they last redesigned the website. Consider yourself lucky.

Get off my lawn!

I said I loved it in my next post. I think we're in agreement here.

I agree 100%. It's not my style either and I loved it.


The AV Club

RE: Luke Cage's music…well, his character came out of the 70's Blacksploitation Era that had over-the-top music cues like that so I don't have a problem with it. Plus, the music in his series was pretty good.