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    what about people not seeing HoYay (damn, that took me back to twop) when its really, really there?

    Sure, but what's the fun in that?

    This was my favorite episode of the season. I wasnt all that into Foggy until this one, but he was so hurt. The Matt/Foggy conection felt real. And speaking of that, yeah, I also saw Foggy being interested in Matt in the flashback. He opens with the beautiful man line, and when Matt is all confused by it, he changes

    I liked this ep, and the next one a lot, so Im just here to comment on how good Matt looks in his uniform. His ass looks amazing at all times. Yes, even bloodied and beaten.

    Couldnt have said it better.

    First that's a falacious argument to what I said. Second, sure, why not? Fisk in particular, would be really interesting as a woman. They genderswaped in Elementary one of the main characters and the mos iconic villain in Sherlock Holmes, of all things, and it worked pretty well.

    Oh, the " it's supposed to be like this" argument. Thats exactly why 90% or more protagonists are male, because so many people dont even question it when it happens.

    I mean, a show that has full frontal naked women in most episodes, one dick is nothing. And from what I heard it was a prosthetic, so it really doesnt count.

    I mostly agree with the review. The problem with aos is that it has no style, with agent carter is that it had style but no ambition. Daredevil has style AND ambition, but it lacks any kind of originality or sublety in its plot. Stick's character was already bad enough, but Fisk's dad is even worse when it comes to

    but, why?

    but really, what is the deal with game of thrones and the lack of dicks?

    I kinda completly hated this ep. Maybe is because it stopped the main plot totally (and I 'm usually way more here for the characters than the plot). Probably because who cares about old mentor dude who is an asshole, but deep, deep down, is sentimental?

    Man, that episode where he gets out of the poll and his hair is all wet and he has a perfect six pack… he was very good looking,my first tv crush for sure.

    preach it, sis!

    Life affirming? Dude, I had actual nightmares about it.

    I liked a lot. It was the first horror movie in a while where I was actually terrified. Its not groundbreaking, but it has good performances, interesting story and great atmosphere.

    10- Pretend your movie is not even horror, when it really, really is (Whiplash)

    I was going to suggest the To Wong Foo cast, but then I remembered Patrick Swayze and got sad.

    Have you met fanboys?

    Arrow is much, much better than agent carter ( which I like fine, but ifmtheres one thing it is not is ambitious) and yes, at its best is as goood as firefly and bsg, two shows I have forever in my heart. Wouldnt know how it compares to breaking bad, since the two times i made I conscious effort to watch it I was