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    Pattinson's contempt about twilight was way more open and agressive and he didnt even get 1/4 of the shit she received for it.

    I fucking loved this movie. This and Gone Girl were the most hilarious movies I watched last year, which may say something about my sense of humor, and this review is surprisingly right pointing out the highlights and the lowpoints. Yes the wedding party is simply the best ( I dont know for sure, but it feels like the

    if she wants to vote for the movie people will still be talking about in 50 years she should vote for whiplash. tha was born a classic.

    I call it a horror movie. The scariest monster there is.

    Whiplash is great. A movie that can keep the tension from the first to the last second as high as this one does is a dime in a dozen. I like to describe it as the best horror movie I've seen in years.

    is not up to what I've come to expect from anderson.

    I agree about theory of everything. I was expecting another King's speech but ended up being plesantly surprised. and its just an interesting story about interesting people and the guy is perfect in it.

    hum, no its not.

    I think both Birdman and Boyhood are technical marvels, but Whiplash is one of the most well-crafted movies Ive seen in years and I watch A LOT of movies.

    havent seen american sniper (and dont think I will) but:
    2- Selma
    4-Grand Budapest Hotel
    5- Boyhood
    6-Theory of everything

    gotg is one of the shallowest movies I've ever watched.

    me too. I actually felt like I had been on a roller coaster.

    I liked birdman but it definetly tries to categorize what's "real" art and that is exhausting.

    people really think birdman (and boyhood) is better than whiplash? really?

    not related to this incident, but the whole lesbian uprising joke, I've been walking a lot around my city and there is so much ultra-feminist grafitti everywhere. most of it are just empowerement messages (my favorite is Viva La Vulva), but some is downright man-hating, like "men are scum" "they should only be used

    thats why I'm team michael!

    you guys sound like a bunch of priests to be honest.

    when the scene ended my heart was a mile per hour. it continued to be so for half a day.

    Not really…