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    I do like the notebook because I think the sex scenes are pretty honest and hot, even if they are pg 13.

    It could be revolutionary if it did ackowledge what it is: porn by women, for women. You could do away with the more embarrasing aspects of the book, first person narrative, cringe worthy dialogue and descriptions, an abusive relationship disguised as bdms, and still retain what is different about it, and that is sex

    I always found Beck a bit boring, but accusing him of not being an artist is pretty far off. kanye is barely coherent in this rant.
    Anyway, the best thing about the Grammys was Juanes and the gringos getting mad over it.

    You do you, sis.

    Ah, got it. That is pretty bad, in all honesty.
    But without context it came across as "she wants to fuck spiderman and thats terrible for women everywhere" and I got like ??????????

    Whats wrong with wanting to fuck spiderman? I have zero idea who this character is, so she might as well suck, but I dont get why that characteristic is detrimental to women in comics.

    There should be a gimmick account here that just goes "casual misogyny" everytime there was some ~ironic~ sexism, or you know, sexism in the comments. I fear though, that it would become even more prevalent than Simpsons references.

    The reviewer seems really obsessed with Peggy's romantic/sexual life. Settle down, will you?

    That actually sounds pretty interesting

    Lucy was so unapologetically ridiculous that I do find it great. It totally commits to its non-sense.

    #notallmen right? lol, have fun with that.

    what are you trying to say is untrue? because I assure you, not one single thing I said is.

    World building is probably her forte along with small characters detail. Reading the Comoran book (only read the first), I could clearly see all the places she describes.

    ALL ads are designed to sell something, of course, but the vast majority of the ones aimed at women just try to make them feel insecure about themselves, so yes, the fact that this one doesnt its something of note.

    Ad's objective: make girls to not feel so crappy about being girls.
    Men's interpretation: why are you trying to hurt MY feelings???

    One of my favorite aspects of harry potter was all the social commentary she injected in it, and that most people barely talk about, so maybe I'll like this book.

    I hope they are made into movies and lupita nyong'o plays the supermodel of the first book.

    kill phil (and lance) and leave the rest

    dont say this kind of terrible thing.

    I cringed all the way through this comment. Dude, dont… do that.