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    I've never seen a James Wan movie so I don't know if thats a good or bad thing. I'm pumped for Whedon's Batgirl, but that's so far the line that I think even Captain Marvel will have been made by then

    that's I keep hoping. If she has enough presence I don't think she'll need to talk much

    I think its going to be a respite to Snyderverse and after, it will go back to terriblr. I have no faith in the justice league movie

    I really want to read it, but I'd have to import it, and the kindle version is like 50 dollars. I'll wait until it gets here, aparently the same week the movie opens.


    Nah man, BvS has its problems, but its a MUCH superior movie to SS.

    For sure!

    Gosh, OF COURSE they would steal Wondy's big moment and give it to the freaking batman. Women can't have anything, ain't I right?

    Thor movies are great.

    This comment made me gag

    You know Betty is the hero of the show because her reaction was the single tear drop running down her face.

    I thik it was just a security camera

    Betty imediatly called her out on that though.


    I agree with you about Veronica, I liked her more when she was being paired up with a different girl every episode. Once she started to focus on her father and Archie she lost some of her spark. Inversely, Archie got better written towards the end. The last two eps were the best we had of Archie.

    Dont know about that, I still think they might go with asexual (but not aromantic) jughead storyline in s2.

    I wasn't the one that started with the equality angle.

    It did and yet they went ahead and wrote it anyways.

    Finish it and then we'll talk

    Ban all male stories for the next +/- 5.000 years and then we'll have something of an equality.