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    Uh, I never saw Laurel as over-emotional, though. Like thats not a characteristic I associate with her.

    man, that felicity/ray scene really was the best of the episode. just his face going from cheerfull to dead serious when felicity, off-camera, mentions his wife (?) was GOLDEN. the blocking of that was aces.

    His name sounds Portuguese but the way everybody pronounces it its the furthest as possible from actual portuguese.

    That movie has a great Cage performance AND a great Travolta performance (which is rarer). Its one of my favorites action movies.

    What an incoherent sexist, racist mess of an interview. People dig this guy? Or is it just ~ironic~?

    I'm Brazilian and a lot of our telenovelas, series and miniseries (without even couting cable) have production values as great if not better than the average US show. But thats the only case I have experienced.
    Nowadays we are able to watch tv from all over the world, and most things dont even compare.
    went to italy

    and x-files was right there with them.

    oh silly you, dont you know that if there isnt a penis involved its not "real" sex?

    I think it can only be considered anything but prestige through today's lenses. nowadays we know how much we can push the boudaries of television shows, so much of x-files can seem small in comparison, but at the time, it was bold and innovative and crazy. it certainly paved the way for much of the quality tv we have

    the x-files was must-watch tv, and won a bunch of awards including writing, directing and acting. and lots of people still consider it their favorite show. prestige in my opinion.

    The second season of community is way better than the first. Your opinion is just wrong.

    Maybe you'd like it more if you did watch every episode there is. Its not a procedural, you know?
    The episodes are not disconected from each other.

    You think british tv has low production values? I think it actually has some of the better production in the world. Is not the U.S. but I think only a few countries in the world have something similar.

    The most invested I get is usually with this middle-brown shows.

    at least I feel like Oliver Queen is an actual person, while Bruce Wayne basically doesnt exist.

    Non-shippers are the worst.

    I bet you dont like anything ever

    You think 3 times is much? Lol.

    I dont even ship them, but you were just so adamant about it never ever happening on this thread that sticked to my mind. I have no idea what POI is.

    your dash must be awful.