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    now, now, lets not be unfair: The Aggrived Male Strikes back .
    theres enough aggrievance to be spread around males of ALL races.


    how does it feel to be wrong?

    I like Tow Sawyer better, I think the character is more interesting than Huck. To be fair, I was really young wen I read bith.

    I've read most of the old testament, which has so many crazy ass stories, but could never read a lot of the new testament, even though I think Jesus is a stand up fella.

    I read The Unberable… when I was like 14 and it legit changed my life. Such a powerful story. I was talking to someone about 100 years yesterday. I like it well enough but is not even my favorite Garcia Marquez (Innocent Erendira is the one for me)let alone one of my favorites ever, like so many people claim.

    I read Asimov's The Foundation. I've read a lot of classic Sci-fi and I had an Asimov phase when younger and yet this one escaped my radar. A new edition in my country, and I decided I HAD to read this one.
    The ideas are very nice, and the writing fast and furious, and fun, but there is zero character development. I

    I've read like, maybe, half a marvel comic in my life and I still thought the ending was badass. maybe the problem is you.

    I cheered out loud when Skye shot Ward. such a great unpredictable move. I think they are doing everything correctly with that relationship, ward being all obssessed and skye being all-so-grossed out by all of it. she was also seriously nauseous when her father touched her. that was a really great touch.

    "That scene with FitzSimmons, by the way, was really well acted. I've been saying this for a very long time now and I won't stop - Iain de Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge are the best thing about this show."

    Aos has been pretty great this year

    Yes, I watched six Scarlet movies this year ( including Her and a rewatch of Lost in Translation) and man, does she pick good projects.

    yeah, vertigo is not really my thing. I liekd a lot when watching the first time, but when I re-watched I found lacking. I prefer Rear Window and The Birds.

    The dungeons are the worst part of persona

    That's what I was going to say, unless you were an actress.

    poor michael!

    the thor movies do, and also iron man 3. I think cap 2 also does with nat/maria but I may be mistaken.

    its like this article was especifically designed to piss off as many av club members as possible. is it april's fool yet?

    I watched and let me tell you, the very first scene in this movie shows that district 13 is not all that great.
