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    After years of hearing about it, among other places, here in gameological, I finally caved instaled a ps2 emulator ( which took me forever and day because I'm terrible with computer stuff) and started playing persona 4. I've just rescued yukiko and the game started to feel like a real game.

    Elektra is my FAVORITE terrible movie! I love it!

    I dont even care about Oliver/Felicity all that much, I think they are sweet and thats it, but saying they came out of nowhere is ridiculous. Felicity has the hots for Oliver since the second she met him, and they grew very close in two seasons.

    Anti-shippers are THE WORST. Did you hate Mulder/Scully too or…?

    I like will they/dont they. Its always the mowt interesting part of a romantic story. With few exceptions, the moment the couple gets together they lose my interest.

    I'm new. Watche both seasons during the hiatus and so this is my first episode completly unspoiled. And then this happens. Nooooo, Sarah!

    you're weird.

    nah, not really.

    do you mean that as a bad thing?

    he got better. like A LOT..

    I'm with you about First Class and DOFP. X-men was my favorite superhero movie this year, and I liked Winter Soldier quite a bit. Still dont get the fascination with Guardians. A dumb kids movie through and through.

    Supes is my FOREVER FAVORITE! fuck Batman.

    yeah, I dont see how this rule would be a disadvantage.

    this is the second time I read an av club article about tv westerners and the second time I'm sorta fascinated by it. And I dont even like westerners (and I sure as heck tried to. but I only really like things like unforgiven or django unchained, that are more deconstructions of the genre)

    Gritty and campy is exactly how I would describe shows like NCIS, CSI and Criminal Minds, so thats where Gotham must be taking its inspiration.

    Perpetual person-who-is-also-there is the best definition of Ron I've ever heard.

    I mostly saw as sarcasm and insecurity.

    I love that luke pushed him. Jesse for sure deserved some ass kicking, he was still the best rory boyfriend.

    As an only child, I'm always more creeped out by kids that were raised together, even if one of them is adopted, than secretly half-siblings that never met each other and then hook up.

    Yeah, They Shoot Gilmores… and Friday Nights… are my two favorites. I also really like the one with Emily and Richard remarriage, the funeral of lorelai's grandma, the live-painting festival ( idk how its called).