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    As someone who was a teenage girl ( one year younger than rory) when this first aired, I have to say, the problem with Dean wasnt that he was dumb, it was that he was boooooooring.

    For some reason I'm thinking of comedians. Adam Sandler is a two-hit wonder for me, I loooove The Wedding Singer and like 50 First Dates, hate everything else.

    I like the constant gardener more than city of god, but I'm brazilian, so I probably have a veryyyy different view of that movie.

    Yeah man, lovebug is great. The music video is pretty great too.

    is it weird I find blake shelton hot?

    Which is a ridiculous complaint, since oitnb might not be a comedy but it is, very much so, funny.

    Does Elvis count? If so, Elvis.

    My first year of college everybody recced me the butterfly effect. When I actually watched I was like, wait… what?!

    They shoot Gilmores dont they is my favorite episode of this show, along with Friday Nights are Good for Fightin (which, for obvious reasons, I think of as The Dinner), so thank you av club, for reminding me of it.

    Drunk!laurel is the best laurel.

    the one my mother still complains about is theres something about mary. my mother hates slapstick and gross humor but she went to watch with me anyway. I DIDNT EVEN GET HALF THE JOKES!

    okay buddy, to you they are complete different stories, to me they are actually just one big thing where everything tha happens first influences what happens later. I know that when I think, hum, gonna give 52 a re-read I dont start with actual maxiseries 52.

    I still maintain that the best Sville seasons were 5 and 8(in this case until the appaling finale). Good villains and something of a arch.

    He was right, but did he need to be such a jerk about it? Its not everyday the apocalypse actually happens

    It sounds waaaay too batshit to ever work.

    I'll say this about Smallville, its what finally got me into (american) comics. And it had Chloe. Chloe was awesome.

    Is this real?

    How long did the westerner phase of entertainment last?

    Man, I would become evil too if Jor-el was my brother. That annoying show-off.

    I'm well aware. Excuse me if I call Countdown to 52 just 52.