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    Please let the people from Arrow be attached to this. Its a fun show that still keeps ine foot on the ground. And can Kara be happy? At least for awhile? Nowadays she is angstier than Batman.

    It was really amazing. My least favorite thing about it was O.M.A.C, but it did give us the awesomeness of WW killing Maxwel Lord.

    How can someone hate 52? Like, how is it possible?

    Black Adam storyline in 52 still is one of my favorite things incomics ever. That and Renee Montoya teaming up with The Question while he was dying.

    Joey/Rachel >>>>>> Ross/Rachel anyday of the week.

    Isnt Jennifer Aniston just "grabbing onto whatever part she could get"?

    Imagine is the actual worst.

    Home alone 2 is amazing though.

    I tend to agree that sport games usually suck, unless is race cars, thankfully no one gives a fuck about baseball or american football where I live, so there was not this subculture that exists around FIFA/Winning eleven.

    I cant believe you upvoted me. Go away

    Man, I cannot believe you upvoted me, you're the worst.

    Arent all women just hysterical, deep down?

    What I know is, when I was in college I lived in a house with seven other women. We had three consoles, one play II, one nintendo 64 and one sns. We ALL played. There were preferences of course, there was a lot of resident evil, guitar hero, final fantasy, mario and other things. The ONE game that was banned when

    Queen of versailles is such a train wreck, you just cant look away. Like, the life of that woman! That dirty, dirty house, with dog shit everywhere and the family's pets dead in their habitats. The housekeeper/nany living in a doll house and that being the highlight of her life.

    I like wrecking ball. Is a better song than miley is an artist, and it basically endured one million covers and still retained its charm. Its really dramatic, in a sorta 80's power ballad thing and because of that is something I can easily see as the one miley cyrus song people will know of 30 years from now.

    Well, I'm not american ( and english is not my first language) so there goes your theory.

    I dont blame Manara for the cover, is what he does really, and marvel should know better, but his deflection and mansplaining are eye-rolling.

    And yet theres still no wicked movie being made.

    Jungle book is an annoying little movie

    I was pretty young in 1994 but the two things I remember perfectly are the death of Ayrton Senna and Brazil winning the cup. In a short period of time I saw a nation grieving and after being elated with joy for the first time. Probably super formative.