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    I agree about the sexual aspect. It feels like so many people think that sex is like the "endgame" of intense relationships, or that if you are emotionally co-dependent, surely you also are physically co-dependent.
    And thats not true at all, especially with teenagers, and even more so with teenage girls.

    Volver and All about My Mother are impossible not to love. Ata-me is my favorite, but, like this reviewer clearly shows, is not for everybody.

    My favorite almodovar. Its weird and knowingly polemic, and the characters are so, so great. The whole stockholm syndrome aspect and the sheer sexiness of it fascinated me when I watched it for the first time as a teenage girl.

    The thing about people saying that depression is "just being sad" is that its completly wrong. At the height of my depression I didnt feel sad, actually I would gladly feel sad those days, because it meant that I was feeling something.

    Spiderman 2 is the just the greatest, I have no complains. Doc Ock is an amazing character and everything that happens to Peter is compeling. But the third movie really is That Bad.

    Exactly why I didnt like dark knight, I dont like crime dramas, so having a batman movie just be a crime drama but with batman was terrible to me. I do like the joker, but because he is the one element pf chaos that feels bigger than life, different from allthe rest of the mundane world.

    Batman returns is my favorite batman movie and probably foever will be. Tim burton gets it, Batman is not very fun, but his villain, oh boy. There will never be a better supervillain than michele pfeifer as catwoman ( yes, Im counting heath's joker). She is dangerous, and crazy, and sexy and complex. Its undeniably

    my first two months of netflix they identified my preferences as being: "sci-fi/fantasy with strong female character as a lead" I was like, that sounds about right. now the only thing they rec me are obscure marvel cartoons, just because I watched some 90'S x-men.


    I'd fuck Bennet because pretty but oh so dumb. marry caputo, mostly because he's in a band, and kill healy with demented pleasure. would get stoned and have sloopy make outs with luscheck.

    He is, that why I find him hot-but-not-so-hot.

    No. Marvel ruined him. Give me Chubs!Pratt any day of the week. ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!

    I love Flaca, but I prefer if she stays a smaller character. I think Black Cindy´s flashback and backstory was totally unecessary and made like her less, and I think something like that about Flaca would do the same. Now, Maritza otoh, I really feel theres something there.

    SLEEPOVER EPISODE! SLEEPOVER EPISODE! all tv shows centered around women as a community (so like, 3 in the whole history of television) HAVE TO HAVE a sleepover episode, and they always rule and this one was no exception. When they started a sing-a-long I was in my special place.

    Paltrow is my least favorite actress that actually I like a bunch roles. 7even, the talented mr ripley, the tenebaums, shallow hall, peper potts, all great. Still, I kind of hate her.

    Me too, its magical. Johny Dep NEVER looked so good.

    Poussey was always likable.

    I meant I wanted to know about Poussey. About Morello, Im pretty sure she was arrested because of the stalking, otherwise there would be no reason for Christopher to testify. About the whole being a federal crime, I think the show plays fast and loose with things like this, not really being too concerned with these

    my biggest problem with bennett-daya is that in season one she was just this shy girl that liked gum and drawing but on this season she is all "sassy" and stuff. does being pregnant transformed her in a stereotypical latina?

    gloria's husband being TOTALLY COSUMED BY FIRE, was what made the episode for me. That was so, so satisfying, just seeing an abuser getting it back so much. it was cathartic as hell.