Oh man fuck the 'is illuminated'
*insert obligatory "what about firefly" here.
The best thing about this movie is how it starts out so…I dunno typical. A bit cheesy and normal. Until we start seeing Caden in those cartoons and time starts moving in a really different way and Hazel's house is perpetually on fire.
I'd give it a 10/10 on the whatthefuck-scale.
The best thing about this movie is how it starts out so…I dunno typical. A bit cheesy and normal. Until we start seeing Caden in those cartoons and time starts moving in a really different way and Hazel's house is perpetually on fire.
I'd give it a 10/10 on the whatthefuck-scale.
Yeah. awkwardly laughed really loudly at that in a crowded theatre. Pretty weird stuff going on there. I guess it's a good indicator of her immaturity?
Also his coolness is increased exponentially just by hanging out with starburns- seriously what an awesome character.
Senior Changs fake death was pretty damn hilarious.
What about that super awkward/intense sex scene?
Pretty memorable as well.
Or at the end with the girl and the water (trying to avoid Spoilers) but- that was pretty fucking shocking.
No diss to Mallick whose pretty much a genius but one of the only reasons I love the Badlands VO so much is that it so perfectly reminds me of Tony Scott epic tarantino screenplay True Romance. Now that is what I call an awesome movie. :)
Yes. In an otherwise excellently constructed list Jules et Jim was truly and unfortunately missing.
Despite my Godard obsession, I really think that Truffaut uses voice over much better (probably just because he is so much more concerned with storytelling than Godard whose so much more caught up in style/aesthetics).…
Good List but here's some not mentioned
Fish Tank
Black Dynamite
Sin Nombre
Mesrine (Pt. One and Two)
Mary and Max
That's what I was thinking.
I hope Nine is epically amazing and forces the AV club to add an amendment to this list.
Black Dynamite was hilarious.
Take it back!
Don't even joke about the awesomeness that is PTA.
For shame.
Okay. Paper Heart is a pretty cheesy twee movie and all…
but how omfg adorablez were all those paper cut out/puppet animation stories of all the people she interviewed. I was like Omgz cuteness.
The Spirit was hilarious.
Dear AV club,
Shutup about Stupid werewolf movies (the genre reached its climax with Teen Wolf- duh!) And tell me more about this upcoming Ginsberg biopic.
James Franco? Srsly? That just seems crazy.
If by wanky you mean Brilliant then yes. You are correct :)