
popular books
I was really pleased to see Mike Harris's Pictures at Revolution book.
In terms of non fiction it was pretty incredible and totally fascinating.

Man am I ever disappointed.
I really really want this film to be good.
Linklater- perhaps the finest filmmaker working in America today (seriously- have you seen the piece of genius that is Waking Life?!) making an homage to Orson Wells.
Fucking brilliant premise.
This crappy review really sucks but what

Starting to piss you off?
Watch Happiness and you'll never look at him the same again.

What would have been a good idea (and appeasing for all us cartoonaphiles out here) would to have included an entire list devoted to animated television rather than brief mentions of KOTH and South Park in this article.
Also the mere mention of Harvey Birdman made me really curious about what you (Todd) or

party down
Excellent comparison to Party Down. I see a lot of similarities.
season one of that show was pretty brilliant- surprised no one covered it on the av club.
Anyone know when season two starts?

Oh man. Just based on the previous paragraph you can tell that Duggie-C is AWESOME.

B (EE)
A B? Seriously? This book was pretty amazing, especially in comparisson to Couplands last book and some of the other stuff (not including JPOD which is pretty fucking awesome also) he's done over the past few years.
What you failed to mention was the great use of storytelling- these characters are sort of just

I figured that it was left out for a reason like that- they are all pretty equally good but not great.
Although I really liked the Gondry one best despite the fact that Denis Lavant is an incredible actor and Carax's was just so strange it sorta worked.

new Klosterman book
This sounds like a decent idea, only in that anything Chuck-K is involved in is automatically awesome.