
Yeah, I got scared for a minute. Just seeing Brock carrying a gun was surprisingly unsettling. But I'm sure it'll never be loaded, like you said. Now I just want to see him kill someone with a gun without shooting it, lol.

"…I was again struck by how genial the series has gotten in its age, how warmly affectionate it’s become towards all its characters."
Yes! My thoughts exactly. It's one of the many reasons I love this show. I really appreciate the affection that is so part of this show now.

As always, the series is worth the wait. (But it could use more PEOPLE OF COLOR!!) Man, I love this show.

I love that all these comments are about "The Venture Bros."

Nothing bonds a 100+ student film class quite like making them watch this several times. The floating Jesus at the end is a definite crowd-pleaser. Haha, all movies should end like that.

Pro tip #1: marathon the entire series and then watch this episode. It's so satisfying.
Pro tip #2: after watching this episode, cry over how amazing it is and/or how you have to wait another year(?) for season 6.
And as always, GO TEAM VENTURE!!

I hope the Phantom Space Man comes up again.

If I remember right, Paul Rudd died at the end of the last season.

This is the second(?) episode that Ichabod has had his hair down during some parts of the episode. I was trying to see if the scenes in which his hair down are significantly different than the scenes when he puts his hair in a ponytail, but the only difference I saw was that hair down = beginning of episode/chilling

Fist bump!

There are worse ways to die. I'll take the pasta-induced coma.

So there's no "All apes are equal, but some apes are more equal than others" moment? That's a shame.

Perhaps if there were more white people, there would be more white guilt?

Yeah, Dean needs to stop hitting/knocking Sam out "for his own good" or whatever. Seriously. And though I liked the "I'm proud of us" line, I would have preferred if Dean said "I'm sorry," since I feel he still hasn't really apologized to Sam for tricking him into letting Gadreel posses him (and even after Sam

I agree, this episode was pretty boring. At this point in the season, I really don't have much interest in the side characters, especially in a MOTW/one-shot episode that barely nods to the main plot lines of the season. (Not to mention Jody isn't exactly my favorite character.) Anyway, I'm more interested in next

Only real early-1900s kids remember the calming environment of a textile factory.

There needs to be more Pokemon on this list.

Then I'd at least like that to be made clear/pointed out, rather than just assume Ward falls in that category.

Yeah, I was bothered by that, too. Not that I really expected Ward to bring it up…but still, I'd think he'd be a little bothered by it.

Jean Bon-Bon, you selfish piece of shit. I found this way too funny, lol. My favorite part was: "We know who you are, Jean Bon-Bon!"