
I had no idea that "Nick News" was still on the air.

Having the boys go up against a (possessed? evil?) Tyra Banks is something I didn't know I wanted until now.

What is even happening.

…Snooki? I didn't realize that in three weeks it would be 2009 again. Can't wait to see them all have a fun day of GTL.

The real piece of news in this article is the fact that "Death Note" is now "Death Notice." Now the notebook just lets you know that you're going die. (Unless it's going to be a combination of "Death Note" and "Burn Notice," in which case I nominate Jeffrey Donovan as Light.)

You forgot to type that in CAPS LOCK.

I thought I recognized the title of this movie! I remember they talked about this movie at church (specifically Cornerstone Church) one time before mass. I also remember thinking it didn't look very good. But I guess the song is good enough(?).

The best part of this episode (after seeing Ichabod in skinny jeans) is them finally discovering the usefulness of salt, though we probably won't see it again after this episode.

That was my first thought too! This could be exciting.

So this means that most (if not all) of the current shows on Fox should be renewed, right? That's great! (Though we could afford to drop "Dads," I agree.)

Dude, I can't wait to see where they go with the whole Crowley injecting himself with human blood thing. It's probably going to be awesome.
Also, just a random thought: when Sam called Dean and told him the spell was irreversible, I felt the camera placement was odd. It was behind Sam so we couldn't see his whole

The amount of drama this episode caused on Tumblr is crazy. And it's right before a Supernatural convention. This is not good.

OMG, Tracy, Lucifer was, like, four seasons ago. Bringing up season 4-5 Lucifer!guilt was king of odd. It just feels like it happened too long ago for anyone to be REALLY specifically mad about at Sam anymore.
Also, I guess "Devil May Care" is a reference to "Devil May Cry." But I don't see how, beyond changing the

These certainly are ideas worth saving.


The civilian bot was Ghost Robot.  I think we first saw him in "Handsome Ransom."