Mary Sue

The Real 'murrican Party

*Halt and Catch Fire sheds a tear*

*destroys JEng*

Blu-Ray IS the warmest color.

Guys, this is the fact robot, not the made up shit robot. Show some respect.

It looks like Mr. Peanut wearing a light orange kangol instead of a top hat to me. So, agreed.

Not here in Texas. Even with an open carry license, your dick must stay holstered at all times.

They… 7734206 :(

I'm imagining his pledge of allegiance right now. Chilling

Moulin Rogue

I was prepared for it being Chuck Lorre

"You wouldn't like me when I'm watered."

That sounds like a Hulk-themed Chia pet.

So sad! I think that song had a big part of developing my empathy as a child so I'm grateful but Jesus what a heartbreaker.

"I'm still alive." - Eddie Vedder, Better Man

In not-as-cool Dallas, it's also playing at Studio Movie Grill Tuesday and Thursday.

Agreed. Looking like a woman while having a woman's point of view as a comic is so homogenous. Time for new material, ladies!

I liked her Craigslist missed connections line about her and Tai.

I felt the same at first, but his praise was kind of condescending because he was confident she was going home. It sounded like a pat on the head as in "aw good job, buddy"

In my youth I worked at Goodwill as part of my senten… I mean voluntarily and specifically in receiving. So many garbage bags were stuffed with clothes that were ripped, stained (skidmarks occasionally) and had many bugs crawling all over them so it was hilarious and just SO gross and in keeping with her character.