Mary Sue

I thought her southern sister was named Fiddle?

BoJabba Huttman

Procreation purposes only.

I was at a concert last night and the guy next to me made a video of it then proceeded to watch it. During the concert. It was rude since it was loud but also strange to want to watch your shitty video when the band is right there! Live!

A sphincter says wadd?

Party on, Wang.

I can't hear Everyday People and not immediately think of Toyota commercials so the first scene seemed strange. Completely agree with the review that their conversation sounded like the actors describing their characters in a joint interview - what a great observation.

Safe, responsible carhead is done while the car is in park at a Ford dealership or church parking lot after 1 am.

yes, yes. Her name has been misspelled often.

I've admittedly gotten irrationally angry at her name being spelled Rhianna so I enjoyed that conversation.

This article wasn't about celebrating obesity, though. I very highly recommend reading The Beauty Myth to understand the general point they are making.

People make fun of big boobs with saggy tits jokes.

Legend has it that all the stars moved to Dallas and formed a hockey team.

Michael Fassbender is unforgettable.

This is hilarious

How many shenanigans does it take to call shenanigans?

Your last sentence is how I feel about Enlightened after its cancellation.

Every poop I'm involved with knows that well in advance.

Toby Flenderson

Say WOT?