Mary Sue

*sigh* I wish Mike White had a deal with Netflix.

I graduated 15 years ago and I have the same nightmares! Either I skipped class all semester or I forgot I was enrolled and if I don't pass the final I can't graduate.

The owl's long ass whiskers were so unsettling.

So his hair isn't a bird? All this time…

Back in the day: Contempo Casuals > Wet Seal > 5 7 9

Quite impaired, sure - but I meant profoundly impaired as in unable to communicate and bedbound requiring total care.

I visited my pothead sister and brother-in-law in Denver for New Years and learned of bongwater. They said it was super nasty and dumped it frequently but it just looked like water with ashes in it. I'm asking sincerely - what is so bad about bongwater? It seems harder to accidentally sip on and spew like

The HBO CEO of Ass has to be a billionaire at this point. He or she must throw fantastic parties.

This season seems like it may be a reboot of season one (and two, can't remember) when Carrie was unsure of Brody's guilt or innocence - in this case, the kid she's defending. Lots of evidence pointing towards nothing too alarming but also some warning signs like she heard from the FBI guy. I hope it doesn't turn into

Remotes, Conan with animals and their trainers (these make me cry from laughing), and more of Pierre Bernard's Recliner of Rage, please!

and later "it's 4 o'clock in the morning, dammit! Listen to me good. I'm sleeping with myself tonight."

Hurry up, Twin Peaks!!! So I can watch you and then cancel Showtime.

I thought it was genius. Real genius.

Erotic. Erotic.

I cringed a bit at being able to hear the voice. It would've been effective if her facial expression alone suggested she heard a voice command at that moment.

The Real World where people stop being polite and start getting….real… *smashes own head*

Undecided voters

It's Alpha-Bits. Do you even cereal bro

Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a dimebag

God only knows