Mary Sue

Great narcissism, internet!

This Q & A is clearly a psychological experiment. Do not answer!

It's practically perfect in every way.

Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a dime bag

Kato Kaelin. K-name Kardashian. Konspiracy..

Oh I loved Getting On, my apologies for not explaining better. I guess my scale was more like quiet and sweet shows vs loud and violent shows. I do plan to eventually check out Boardwalk Empire.

I haven't seen that show. Where does it fall on the HBO scale of Getting On to The Sopranos?

It's Khloe with a K. GOD, what's wrong with you.

He did?? Wow, didn't know that. Very interesting.

Made me cringe

I think the kids have a legitimate place in this show as others mentioned in the last review, but what was shown before was enough to get that point across without this scene. Even still, it didn't bother me and was almost a little fun albeit sad. If the kids show up AGAIN, then yeah overkill.

Billy Magnussen is perfect as Kato. He was great in the first season of The Leftovers episode 6 but everything was great in that episode. And yes, I'm peddling The Leftovers.

Him saying "Fame is fleeting, it is hollow" while the kids were all looking around like "Dad's boring" was sad. I guess the intention there was that they already got the bug.

Count me in!

Amy Jellicoe, unsatisfied with just destroying Abaddon, is sent to work in the basement of the First Order's headquarters

Be an agent of change and watch Enlightened.

HBO presents: Hepatitis C

I noticed that too, and I'd like to invite you to a secret club. We meet together at the Methodist church on Tuesdays at 4pm.

I kind of feel like you have to cut into your steaks a lot

This happened today to a friend: Doctor writes an order to call doctor when x-ray completed. Nurse calls doctor when x-ray completed. Doctor calls back and says "don't call me when I'm operating" - the fuck?