Groovemeister Meistergroove

Never underestimate people's inability to admit when they're wrong.

I once claimed to have done a heel flip into a feathered serpent manual in an internet comment. But it turned out I was lying because there is no such skateboarding maneuver…yet.

Need a little clarity? Check the similarity.

I could have swore that said White Entitlement Television

fleshlight peripheral.

Huh. So that's enthusiasm. *shrugs*

You forgot to say "debit or credit".

Ketchup is a chutney. star/rainbow/dazzle

And they can't even spell Bright correctically. More like Dullbart, Or should I say Duhlbart…'cause they can't spell!

I like to mix my La Croix water with a little juice, be it cranberry, orange, lime-aid or whatever! I'm nutx for it!

Whenever they say open-concept and/or open floor plan, drink!!

Gorillas all up in the Mist.

doodily bing doodily bing doodily bing bing bong
doodily bing doodily bing doodily bing bong bing
doodily bing doodily bing doodily bing ram tam
bing bong bang bing

Drink more…Ovaltine!?

I find your reference to conspiracy theories utterly preposterous. They're aluminum hats. And besides, Mylar works best.

I like my womens like I like my dining: fast-casual.

garnished with a piece of the Living Cantaloupe.

What's wrong with the word period?

ctrl f'ing involves thinking about baseball, or so I'm told.

You're thinking of The Karate Kid.