Groovemeister Meistergroove

Bigly is already in the dictionary; it's an adverb. Just sayin'.

Study abroad? But there's plenty of chicks right here!

The original twin peaks changed television forever and this series will do the same. /2cents

I must warn you, I am susceptible to flattery. Or should I say…flat earthery?

That's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round

Trump should be flattered by the comparison. He's no Julius Caesar.

I took the shot of the power lines and that crackling sound to signify the collection of the garmonbozia created by the hit and run, but I'm not even sure why. It was very similar to a shot in FWWM, which I rewatched recently.

Breitbart? More like dullshart

Yeah, sometimes you just gotta laugh to keep the insanity at bay.

Based on his comments about evolution, I assume he identifies as a Christian. I'd start with asking why, when the mugger asked for his wallet he didn't offer him his shirt too? When he balks, tell him he's had his reward and that he's going to hell. If that doesn't work, tell him to talk to the hole in the hand,

Ah, yes. The "old age always results in wisdom" line never gets old, and therefore, even by it's own logic is wrong. And the number one purveyor of this argument? Survey says: Frank Stallone. And the number two answer: Old dumbfucks.

Gross. "Thanks" for the image of Trump in a nude full body leotard.

Yeah, I thought the key was possibly the something missing mentioned in Log Lady and Hawk conversation.

More like conspiracy hypothesis-ist

Clinton cucks and bernie bros. Do you even hear yourself? All I'm saying is that the Democratic Party establishment routinely takes the progressive vote for granted, as though they were entitled to those votes, but they're not. Some votes need to be earned. (not mine, obviously, but I digress). The point is, your

Just like regular facts, but wearing a flannel shirt.

I love Bernie. I voted Clinton in the general. I live in a red state. But, I'm sick of this attitude from Clinton and people like you that makes it seem like she was entitled to my vote. Democrats need to stop blaming everybody from Nader to Bernie for their losses and own their mistakes. If a candidate's biggest

Not as high as tuition.

And it didn't cost them a cent in tuition. /brightside