Groovemeister Meistergroove

I'm no huge "Francophile", myself, but on the one hand you are disparaging him for not taking his studies seriously, and on the other hand, you are saying that higher education is a joke anyway. If it is a joke, as you say, why should he be taking it seriously? But what do I know with my library card and

[smiles politely over cubicle wall at co-worker]

TMZ checks the toilet paper after the first wipe, even though they know their butt isn't clean, they just like looking at the poop, and…am I doing this right?

I don't have diabetes, I have livabetes.

Pfft. Efficient this, and effective that. What about those poor out-of-work focus groupers!?

Choose your own comment adventure:

Yeah, because Pi and Requiem were so uplifting?

No shirt, no shoes, NO DICE!

Sounds like an elaborate scheme to avoid paying focus groups.

Poonitive damages. There, I helped.

"the swallowing is implied, and as a society we have agreed to this"
Try telling that to my wife! Hey-o!

Somewhere, I hope Schoolly D is thinking to himself, "payback is a bitch".

In related news, I may never wear Zubaz pants again.

"Jesus has never been hotter." Well…not since that rough weekend where he went to hell-o operator! And, yes, that's as far as I got in the article.

If he wants to.

Best tutorial evar! Press A to demonstrate your ability to read. Tired of tutorials? Upgrade to Kobayaski Tutorial Premium today, and let us play the game for you!

All I remember about that show was that we had a player piano roll for the theme song, and David Carruso in a green boller hat.

I didn't cut off my mullet until '92, so technically, it was still the 80's.

I invented the "I'm not on a diet, I'm on a live it!" thing way before weight watchers did. Of course, I meant something quite different than they did. But still: copyright your nonsense, people!

I CC what you did there.