Salvador Dolly

It's especially funny because their map is superimposed over a map showing the current borders of the states, which is fucking lousy with straight lines (especially out west, where the wonkiest parts of their map are centered).  Also, if I were drawing up a hypothetical map of where all the grain for North America

A Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 trailer played before the midnight screening of The Dark Knight when I saw it.  The guy in the Joker outfit sitting next to me called out "Traveling Pants!" after every subsequent trailer, and it killed.  He really earned that costume.

Man, for a group called the Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations, they sure seem Pro-Leprosy to me.

@Dorand:disqus You are right — I meant Andrea. Guess this doesn't help my case of her being more than nothing.

@avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus Nothing? Amy may be catching up to Lorie on the shrill front, but she's still better than nothing.

@avclub-1d39fd4773e27bb1badce133b2cec2ac:disqus and @avclub-654994917d3301946da8540d7d560004:disqus, I went ahead and "liked" your posts to help you guys out.

I like that about Morrison's Batman work, too, but I also understand why people hate it.  For someone not duly familiar with those Silver Age stories and tropes, his writing would be nearly indecipherable.  It kind of sucks to read a story only to have someone tell you that you can only fully appreciate it if you read

I don't mind Morrison's penchant for skipping stuff when it's couched in a mystery or the characters' reluctance to open up (so I generally like his Batman stuff), but when he doesn't give us enough to understand what the characters might be thinking and feeling, it becomes a problem.

Yeah, one of the reasons I was holding out on Batwoman was that I hadn't read the first half of the run.  I should just go ahead and pick up the trade and the last four issues.

I agree that WW and Batman are killing it (I haven't read Batwoman, but I'm thinking a lot harder about picking it up).  I would place Animal man up there, as well as the Flash (which, frankly, I'm surprised isn't getting more love here), but I can't disagree more about Action.  It is nigh-unreadable.  I consider

Do they pick the judges specifically to make the contestants look more talented?

Do you guys like Mendards?

"…A box of flowers with the note 'Happy Mother's Day, Mom!'?"

Seconded.  I would love to hear more of these stories.

Yeah, I lost it when he became emo Spiderman.  One of my friends went to the bathroom and missed the scene where he plays jazz piano and dances at the bar.  He didn't believe us when we told him what he'd missed.

Frank Oz's participation in things is not a good metric of their passablilty.  He participated in the Star Wars Prequels, for Christ's sake.

Easily the best part.  He clearly did this through several takes.

I'm surprised and intrigued that they're picking up so far after the The Dark Knight. Otherwise, this doesn't even count as new information. Bane is brutal? Get out of town.

Were classic rock stations ever frozen in time, or was its slow creeping forward simply not noticed until it began to incorporate songs you had non-classic rock associations with?  I think they've always stuck to a "anything over 20 years old is an oldie" model.  I remember having the same reaction 10 years ago when

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