Salvador Dolly

If I remember correctly, animated shows are left out of the Tommy Westphall universe simply because it would be too big with them added, not because of a lack of connections.

Giacchino also adapted Williams' themes. I can understand wanting to forget Jurassic World, but the music was actually pretty good.

It's one issue of a multi-issue story. You make it sound like writers and artists are dancing on Kirby and Simon's grave every time Cap is put in danger over a page turn, or (gasp) a cliffhanger ending. Sure, this is ideological danger, instead of the physical kind, but you've got to get creative when you have a

…in which case they should be calm because this doesn't affect them?

The issue makes it very clear that Hyrda represents the Republican party under Trump, so less about Nazis and more about xenophobia and racism. Keeping with that theme, the explanation will likely come down to mind control — I have no doubt Cap will come to his senses by November.

I'm not one to complain about spoilers on review sites, but it's not often that I see the final twist of a narrative given away in the headline. Who's actually playing this twist for reads?

The issue is great. The "Nazi" stuff is overblown — Red Skull is pretty clearly standing in for Trump, and Hyrda the Republican party (Zemo even dismisses Red Skull's claim as leader of Hydra as populist nonsense). If there's anything controversial about this issue, it's that Trumpism is so openly acknowledged as evil

I still think Johnny Depp in twitchy, Hunter S. Thompson mode would be the best casting for Doctor Strange.

"It's like Google, only it does less."

Hey! Glad you liked it!

Hey, thanks! The AV Club taught us everything we know about criticism — we basically treat our coverage like the TV Club. Good to know it's finding a like-minded audience!

Thanks! It was literally the first pun I could think of.

It's an enjoyable enough read, but I feel like the kind of "anthology of stories that examine the nature of Batman" has kind of been beaten to death at this point. We've got a discussion of it up on my blog, if you're interested: http://retcon-punch.com/201…

Did anyone else think that the BF may have just denied proposal plans to maintain some semblance of surprise? I feel like she should at least wait through the Holidays before potentially fucking up his plans.

Wait, Massachusetts is on the LOW end of the scale?

Johnny Greenwood's solo in The Bends has always been a favorite. So fucking heroic.

Do…do you program all the jukeboxes?

What really impressed me about this issue is how Waid actually cuts through all of that stuff to posit that there really was reasonable doubt to convict Zimmerman. Race had nothing to do with the jury's decision — they simply couldn't convict him based on the evidence. It may be some idealization on Waid's part, but I

That's gonna be a lot of cheeks.

Please tell me you guys are working on a "Great Job, Internet!" post for "Breaking Bad: The Middle School Musical."