
My comment followed additional comments NOT by you. Ergo it wasn't towards you, you psychotic piece of shit. Stop inserting yourself into every comment I make.

Yeah #TEAMBREEZY you fucking cowards.

"I understand if you disagree with the notion that it would be acceptable for him to hit her back. I'm still trying to decide how I feel about it."

To defend himself? In THIS situation? DUDES, I know traditional masculinity is bullshit & you've all liberated yrself from it joyfully, but she's tiny. *I* wouldn't hit her unless, you know, she had a gun on me.

P.S. Bye losers.




"It's not OK for anyone to hit anyone is what I'm saying"
You liked a comment that said the opposite. Wtf are you talking about?

"it's less not okay to hit someone who has just hit you"

Dur feminism, men women equal, dur it's okay to hit women, dur.

Are you both fucking kidding with this?

It's the way you spin it. Jessa is a flake but she also has some interesting qualities a partner could admire, such as her (supposed) courage. Ray is a douchebag with a heart of of gold, but also he's just a douchebag. Honestly, I frigging hated it when he told Shoshanna that he can't stand her inane Emoji messages

Definitely, and it's her strong suit. "Write what you know" refers to exactly this: write what you experience subjectively & not what you are objectively, to others.

Hell's bells Trudy, a third of that looked and sounded like a PROFESSIONAL TEEVEE PROGRAMME! 
I'm giving it a B- & just gonna break down my comment by the diff GIRLS:

No time for flirting these days, we gotta plan the proletariat revolution.

I thought it was 'flirting' :/

He might be like David Bowie in that way.

This is a good point, I spent some time in my early 20s trying to be deliberately cryptic & opaque in my conversations (especially with men) because I thought that made me a mysterious artist, then I became an adult and decided to just say what I mean most of the time and let the chips fall where they may.

I had a revelation yesterday that HBO is owned by Time Warner which fed into my already ever-present conspiracy thoughts about how "American culture" is nothing but the projection of a collusion of corporate interests, so yeah.