
There was no cliffhanger. Gus (maybe) will show up in 10 months, and Chuck will unsuccessfully try to catch Jimmy again.

He wanted to assassinate his partner so that he could sell stolen pharmaceuticals AND meth. He was also planning to kidnap a family to torture graft money out of them, and threatened to kill Saul for not letting him do it. He's not the worst in the cartel, but he certainly deserves no sympathy.

The only downside is that nothing happened.

Wow, Mike almost killed the cartel dude and Chuck is embarking on another futile plot to disbar Jimmy. Can't wait to see how that cliffhanger resolves itself. I can't remember the last time I was this disappointed in a finale.

a) Virgil tells Kevin that the poison will affect him like heroin
b) Kevin drinks it and seemingly goes into a heroin overdose
c) Virgil empties clear liquid out of a syringe and drops it on the floor
d) Michael drags Kevin out of the house
What's going on here?

Pretty much every military ever has consisted primarily of the poor. The British Navy had a sort of cool Night's Watch-ey vibe to it, in that the sailors were almost exclusively very poor, criminals, or very poor criminals, and yet they made up what was the most powerful military machine in human history, up to that

He was my favorite Ghostbuster

Portugal. The Man - Got it All
Atmosphere - Bad Bad Daddy
Portugal. The Man - Once Was One
RJD2 - The Horror
Gorillaz - Rhinestone Eyes

Like RATM, but worse.

"Notable places of interest and landmarks

It goes Rainbow < Cub < Kowalski < Aldi < Lunds and Byerlys

Omitting the Oxford Comma is fucking anarchy.

Aldi here in Minnesota is actually one of the classier grocery store chains. However, they make you pay to get a cart, which is fucking Fascism.

Are you aware that our homicide rate has more than halved since peaking in 1980, despite an increase in number of firearms in private possession?
I have to go lift now, so forgive me if further responses are delayed

Are you aware that America is currently experiencing the lowest per-capita homicide rate it's had since 1950?

I'm glad you mentioned that. It furthers the discussion considerably, and I think the entire forum has benefited from such a wise piece of input.

My point is that it's not a friendlier label. It's a violent one attached by people who are very much not advocates of it

You seem to be under the impression that banning those things would have stopped the crime. Mass shootings seem to be a pretty firearm-agnostic crime, and I fail to see how banning weapons based on cosmetic features does much to deter such atrocities.

Of 1,662 murders committed in New York
City during 2003-2005, more than 90% were
committed by people with criminal
Citation #32 on http://www.justfacts.com/gu…

I dunno, man, Dikachu brings the topic up all the time. I blame him.